How do you know if therapy is working?
/It can sometimes be confusing to know if therapy is working, or if it is still working for you over a long period of time. Sometimes, when we begin going to therapy, it can seem like things are getting worse. This is something that is valuable to notice and it may be an indicator that the therapy is working, as things can get worst before they get better. Below are some key indicators that therapy is working for you, as slow and long as the process may sometimes seem.
•You feel relieved.
•You feel understood by your therapist.
•You feel safe talking about your life.
•Things start to slowly shift in your life for the better, if not immediately, than within the first Six months.
•You can both like and dislike your therapist at times, because you feel safe enough to have both positive and negative feelings with them.
•You can talk about deeper and deeper things as time goes on.
•You start to think about what to talk about in your next session during the week.
•You miss a week and can’t wait to go the next week.
•You begin to feel more secure because you know that you can rely on therapy to open up your feelings.
Bianca Aarons LMFT is a licensed psychotherapist in San Francisco through the auspices of the Grateful Heart Holistic Therapy Center. Bianca’s specialties include attachment, trauma, sexual abuse, post traumatic stress, relationship issues, depression issues, couples work and work with teenagers. Learn more about Bianca at, email her at, or call her at (415) 553-5346 to ask any questions or to set up a consultation session.